Media Contact: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, For Immediate Release No. 14-OPA112 EPA seeks comments on draft permit renewal for Veolia hazardous waste incinerator Chicago (Oct. 17, 2014) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is requesting public comment on the Agency's proposal to renew the operating permit for Veolia ES Technical Solutions' hazardous waste incinerator in Sauget, Illinois. EPA initially issued a Clean Air Act permit for this facility on Sept. 12, 2008. Most requirements in the current permit would remain in place under the terms of the draft permit renewal. EPA is, however, proposing new "feedrate limits" for arsenic, lead mercury and other metals. Other proposed changes are: • Additional waste analysis procedures to ensure compliance with metal feedrate limits. • Temporary installation and operation of a monitoring system on each incinerator to ensure that feedrate limits are adequate to assure compliance with applicable emissions limits. • New requirements for emergency generators. The draft permit is available for review at: • Central Library, 1301 Olive St., St. Louis, Missouri. • East St. Louis Library, 5300 State St., East St. Louis, Illinois. • Cahokia Public Library, 140 Cahokia Park Drive, East St. Louis, Illinois. EPA has scheduled a public hearing on the draft permit renewal from 3 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at SIU-Edwardsville, East St. Louis Higher Education Campus, Room 2002 Building D, 601 James R. Thompson Blvd. All written comments must be postmarked or emailed by Friday, Dec. 19. There are several ways to submit written comments: • Submit comments online at Put Docket ID No. EPA-R05-OAR-2014-0280 in the search box. • Mail comments to George Czerniak, U.S. EPA Region 5 (A-18J), 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. • Email comments to John Mooney at More information about the draft permit renewal is available at This email was sent to using GovDelivery, on behalf of: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency · 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Washington DC 20460 · 202-564-4355 |  | |
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