piątek, 20 maja 2016

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Date: Fri, May 20, 2016 at 11:24 PM
Subject: The Lid: Lawyers, Guns and Money
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NBC News May 20, 2016
Tune in to Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Sundays on NBC News
Welcome to The Lid, your afternoon dose of the 2016 ethos… Donald Trump has hired the same D.C. power lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin in 2008 to conduct the legal review of his potential running mate. Democrats are hoping he does exactly as thorough a job as he did eight years ago.
Why the Dem Race Seems Closer Than It Is
Fri, 20 May 2016 21:17:06 GMT

From NBC's Carrie Dann and Andrew Rafferty

We've written before about how the cadence of the 2016 race has made the Democratic contest seem closer than it really is. But this week, as Hillary Clinton essentially declared herself the nominee while Bernie Sanders vigorously objected, we went and looked back at the numbers to better understand why that is. And here's what we found: Yes, Clinton has a huge delegate lead and she's up by about three million when it comes to the raw vote. But they're evenly tied when it comes to the DAYS when they've won the most contests.

Here's the breakdown: There have been 20 days total when Democratic voters have gone to the polls in 2016. In some cases, those were days when only one state voted - like New Hampshire or Wyoming. And in other cases, a LOT of states voted on a single day, like on Super Tuesday. On nine of those 20 days, Clinton won more contests than Sanders. On another nine days, Sanders won more contests than Clinton. (On two occasions, there were two contests on a given day, and Clinton and Sanders each won one of them.)

But here's the difference: On the nine days when Sanders dominated the primaries, he only won a total of 383 delegates. That number is small because he did the best on days when there weren't many contests or when the states that voted weren't very delegate-rich. Compare that to Clinton, who won a whopping 1,362 delegates for her nine victory days. That's why Clinton's big wins in the early March contests were so important -- and put her so far ahead.
  Click for more.
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For the Record
"I'm not eating Oreos anymore, you know that. But, neither is Chris. You're not eating Oreos anymore. No more Oreos for either of us, Chris."
- Donald Trump seemingly poking fun at Chris Christie's weight during a fundraiser Thursday night.

Weekend Sked
On Saturday: Bernie Sanders campaigns in New Mexico and California. Hillary Clinton is in Florida.

And on Sunday: Hillary Clinton will be on Meet The Press.

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