czwartek, 19 maja 2016

Fwd: Sponsored by ClearPath: Poll shows Trump leading Clinton


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From: Washington Examiner <>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2016 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Sponsored by ClearPath: Poll shows Trump leading Clinton

Washington Examiner
Examiner Today
For the first time, Trump leads Clinton in Fox News poll

For the first time, Trump leads Clinton in Fox News poll

A new poll found that more voters support Donald Trump for president than Hillary Clinton, a rarity so far in the race between the former secretary of State and the real estate mogul. It's the first time Clinton has trailed Trump in a national Fox News poll.
Trump reveals list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees

Trump reveals list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday released a list of 11 individuals he would consider appointing to the Supreme Court. The move came nearly two months after he promised such a list was being developed.
Split decision: Sanders still a Hillary headache

Split decision: Sanders still a Hillary headache

Bernie Sanders needed a big win in Kentucky. Hillary Clinton needed to close out the Democratic nominating contest strong and turn her undivided attention toward Donald Trump. Neither happened Tuesday night. Instead, Sanders continues to campaign within what he is denouncing as a rigged system, and keeps sticking like a thorn in Clinton's side.
Tweet of the Day
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Noah Rothman Retweet

The subtext of every congressional R touting the amazing, beautiful Trump list is an unsubtle plea for the never Trump rump to shut up.

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Biden: No 'fundamental split' among Democrats

Biden: No 'fundamental split' among Democrats

Vice President Joe Biden absolved Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders of any blame for the near riot that broke out among his supporters at the Nevada Democratic convention over the weekend. He also downplayed concerns that Democrats were experiencing their own crack-up.
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Facebook says it will strive to stay neutral

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other employees on Wednesday reassured representatives of conservative news outlets that the company will strive to make sure that the giant social media company doesn't deliberately bury right-leaning news stories. Zuckerberg invited more than a dozen conservative writers and leaders to a meeting in California. The meeting was called after Gizmodo reported that former Facebook employees would make sure that news favored by conservatives was downplayed on the "trending topics" section of people's Facebook newsfeeds.
Did you know?

On this day 25 years ago, Croatians voted in a referendum for indpendence from Yugoslavia. Ninety-three percent supported independence. The vote took place amid increased tensions caused by the desire of many ethnic Serb enclaves within Croatia's historical boundaries to secede and remain party of what was then still Yugoslavia. Yugoslav (later Serb) and Croatian forces clashed in what would be a four-year war of independence, in which more than 20,000 soldiers and civilians were killed and half a million civilians were displaced due to ethnic cleansing. Atrocities were common. The Croatian government won the war after a peace agreement in late 1995, establishing what would officially become Croatia's modern borders by 1998. 
Dying GOP senator apologized to Muslims for Donald Trump

Dying GOP senator apologized to Muslims for Donald Trump

Bob Bennett spent his last weeks on Earth apologizing to Muslim Americans for Donald Trump's remarks about their religion, according to a report published late Wednesday. Family members of the former Republican senator from Utah, who died May 4, said Bennett had tried to meet with Muslim patients during his inpatient time at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. "Were there any Muslims in the hospital?" Bennett asked his wife, Joyce, and son, Jim. "I'd love to go up to every single one of them to thank them for being in this country, and apologize to them on behalf of the Republican Party for Donald Trump."
Question of the day
In an effort to mollify conservative opponents of his candidacy, Donald Trump released a list of jurists yesterday whom he would consider appointing to the Supreme Court. Do you think this will be enough to quell opposition on his right?

Send your responses here and we'll publish the best.

House okays $622M Zika bill

The House passed legislation Wednesday that would designate $622.1 million in existing federal funding to combat the Zika virus, putting the chamber on a collision course with a Senate plan to borrow $1.1 billion to fight the virus. The bill passed 241-184, and was supported by all but four Republicans, along with just three Democrats.

Clinton campaign head goes after 'reckless' Trump

Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman condemned presumed GOP nominee Donald Trump Wednesday, and accused the "reckless" billionaire of being unfit to run for president. "In this week alone, Donald Trump has jeopardized relations with a close ally before setting foot overseas; talked about building a relationship with a reckless dictator; [and] called two diverse American cities more dangerous than war zones like Iraq," said John Podesta. He also faulted Trump for including "no people of color" on his list of potential picks for the Supreme Court.

Jordan fears Hillary Clinton probe will end like IRS investigation

Rep. Jim Jordan, head of the House Freedom Caucus, said Wednesday the similarities between the Justice Department's investigation of IRS targeting and its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails is similar enough to make him "nervous" about how the Clinton investigation will end. "I'm very nervous about a Justice Department that I think is way too focused on politics and not singularly focused on the administration of justice," Jordan told the Washington Examiner.
House passes Defense policy bill despite Democrats' objections

House passes Defense policy bill despite Democrats' objections

The House passed the fiscal 2017 defense policy bill on Wednesday night, despite Democrats' objections to both the funding mechanism and the lack of debate allowed on almost 200 amendments. The chamber passed the National Defense Authorization Act on a 277-147 vote. The Senate is expected to consider its version of the bill on the floor this month.

Mike Lee takes aim at Obama's housing rule

Sen. Mike Lee is hoping this week to upend President Obama's push to ensure diversity in communities around the country, by blocking any federal spending for that plan. Lee is the sponsor of an amendment to the 2017 transportation and housing spending bill that would prevent any federal spending on Obama's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. That rule would tie federal community grants to the demographic makeup of communities around the country in an effort to make them more attractive to "families with different income and ethnic profiles."
Media torch DNC chair for 'malpractice'

Media torch DNC chair for 'malpractice'

Media commentators are increasingly unhappy with how the Democratic National Committee has treated Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters, and one pundit even suggested Wednesday that the party chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, should step down. CNN contributor Van Jones, a Democrat, went so far as to say Wednesday that he'd take Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus over Schultz as his party leader.
The Roundup
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