środa, 17 sierpnia 2016

Fwd: The Lid: Keep Calm And Clog On

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From: The Lid <email@mail.nbcnews.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 12:01 AM
Subject: The Lid: Keep Calm And Clog On
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

NBC News Politics
NBC News Politics
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Welcome to The Lid, your afternoon dose of the 2016 ethos… Tim Kaine played harmonica while his wife clog danced (sans clogs) during a campaign stop at a brewery on Monday, giving parents across the country fresh and devastatingly effective new ideas for how to embarrass their teenage children during their next family outing.
Early Voting Poses Threat To Possible Trump Comeback
Tue, 16 Aug 2016 21:43:37 GMT
From NBC's Andrew Rafferty

It's a day in August, which means a new poll has come out showing Donald Trump behind in a battleground state. That's just how things seem to be going for the GOP nominee. Today's polls come courtesy of the Washington Post, which shows Clinton with a 14-point lead among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup with Trump, and Monmouth, which found Trump trailing by nine in Florida among likely voters (seven percent said they would vote for third-party candidates). Our own NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll released Tuesday morning showed Clinton with a nine-point advantage nationally, virtually unchanged from last week.

And while all these deficits should be concerning for the Trump campaign, they should be equally alarmed by how little time there is before early voting begins in some states. As the New York Times notes, early voting starts as soon as Sept. 23 in Minnesota and South Dakota. A number of states follow suit soon after that, with the heavily prized Iowa expecting to begin casting ballots at the end of September and Ohio beginning Oct. 12. So the notion that Trump has nearly three months to turn things around is misnomer. And on top of that, Trump told a Wisconsin television station on Tuesday he has no plans to change. "I don't want to pivot. I mean, you have to be you," he said. Click for more.
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FBI to Send Clinton Interview Notes to Congress
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Why Is Donald Trump's Campaign Sitting on $82 Million?
Exactly two months ago, Hillary Clinton's campaign went up with its first general-election TV ads in battleground states, and in that time it has spent $61 million over the airwaves, while pro-Clinton outside groups have chipped in an additional $43 million. That's a combined $104 million in total ad spending for Team Clinton. But in that same timeframe, Donald Trump's campaign still hasn't spent a single cent on a general-election ad. Click for more.
Latino Ex-Cabinet Member Ken Salazar Says Clinton Wil Have Inclusive Government
Ken Salazar, who will chair Hillary Clinton's transition team, told NBC News last month at the Democratic Convention that Clinton has the "heart of a Latina" would have a diverse Cabinet and appointees. Salazar served as Interior Secretary under President Barack Obama. Click for more.
"Everyone talks about, 'Oh, well you're going to pivot, you're going to'—I don't want to pivot. I mean, you have to be you."
-- Donald Trump to LaCrosse, Wisconsin station WKBT.
Tim Kaine is in Iowa while Hillary Clinton is in Cleveland.

Mike Pence is in Nevada.
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