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Monday, July 13, 2015

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Monday, July 13, 2015

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Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece, right, with two of his ministers in Brussels today after a deal was announced.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece, right, with two of his ministers in Brussels today after a deal was announced. Geert Vanden Wijngaert/Associated Press

Your Monday Briefing
Good morning.
Here's what you need to know:
• Breakthrough for Greece.
At a marathon session that ended early today, European leaders struck a deal meant to resolve Greece's debt crisis and avert a historic fracture in the Continent's common currency project.
The nation's third bailout in five years includes both "serious reforms and financial support," one participant said.
Greece still has a tortured road ahead. The plan now goes before Parliament in Athens, and talks on financial support from the International Monetary Fund begin.
• Deal or no deal.
If the final issues are resolved by negotiators for Iran and six world powers in the coming hours, a nuclear accord could be announced today.
Secretary of State John Kerry is hoping that an agreement would serve as a foundation for future diplomatic breakthroughs across the Middle East.
• At the White House.
President Obama speaks at the White House Conference on Aging, held once a decade, on the 50th anniversary of Medicare, Medicaid and the Older Americans Act.
• Where is Mexico's top drug lord?
The search is on for Joaquín Guzmán Loera, known as El Chapo, who escaped from a maximum-security prison in central Mexico on Saturday.
He left through an opening measuring about 20 inches by 20 inches that had been dug from his shower and that led to a mile-long tunnel. It is his second escape.
He also faces indictments in at least seven American federal courts.
• Voting rights on trial.
A federal trial opening in North Carolina today is meant to determine whether sweeping changes in the state's election laws discriminate against black voters.
Legal experts say that the case, as well as one involving a Texas law requiring voters to show a photo ID, could help define voting rights across the country in the coming presidential election and beyond.
• Candidate No. 15.
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin announces his candidacy for the 2016 Republican nomination for president this evening in Waukesha, Wis. He is already ahead in some opinion polls.
• Wall Street stock futures are up only modestly after the announcement of a Greek deal.
European shares advanced more than 1 percent, and Asian indexes mostly rose.
• Comcast, the largest U.S. cable TV operator, is starting a web-based video offering that includes a bundle of broadcast networks and the premium cable network HBO for $15 a month.
HBO, Showtime and CBS have also introduced à la carte streaming video offerings that do not require standard cable subscriptions.
• Sixteen companies — led by Starbucks and including CVS, Microsoft, Taco Bell, Target and Walmart — unveil a plan today to find jobs for 100,000 unemployed Americans ages 16 to 24 over the next three years.
• General Motors opens labor talks with the United Auto Workers union today, and Fiat Chrysler does so Tuesday, on contracts that expire in September. Ford starts later this month.
• Nintendo's chief executive, Satoru Iwata, died on Saturday at age 55, the company said.
• President Obama announced that he would designate new national monuments covering more than a million acres in California, Texas and Nevada, his latest use of executive power to preserve public land.
• Tens of thousands of people attended a ceremony observing the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia. Serbia's prime minister was chased away by the crowd.
• A report concluded that prominent psychologists worked closely with the C.I.A. to weaken dissent inside the agency over an interrogation program that included torture.
• Ellen Pao resigned as acting chief executive of the popular online message board Reddit. She lost a gender discrimination case this year against a leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm.
• Pope Francis heads back to the Vatican today after his tour of three countries in South America, where he seemed to be asking for a social revolution.
• A major teachers union gave Hillary Rodham Clinton an early endorsement for president. She will present her economic vision in New York today.
• Donald J. Trump gave a fiery speech in front of a flag-waving crowd in Phoenix.
• Winners on grass: Serena Williams and Novak Djokovic at Wimbledon.
• "Minions" took in about $115.2 million at the North American box office, one of the biggest weekend openings for an animated movie.
• Catching up on TV: Episode recaps for "True Detective" and the season premiere of "Masters of Sex."
• A hip-hop Treasury secretary.
So what if the first U.S. Treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, gets removed from the $10 bill?
"Hamilton," a musical that begins previews tonight, has among the biggest advance ticket sales in Broadway history.
• Screen addiction.
The documentary "Web Junkie," highlights the harmful effects of video games on teenagers who become hooked (10 p.m. Eastern, PBS, but check local listings).
• Love the long ball?
Major League Baseball's Home Run Derby tonight (8 p.m. Eastern, ESPN) is part of the run-up to the All-Star Game on Tuesday in Cincinnati.
Here's our take on the best and the worst of baseball at the season's midway point.
• Click your heels three times...
The ruby red slippers Judy Garland wore in the "Wizard of Oz" (1939) were stolen about 10 years ago from a museum in her hometown, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Now there is a $1 million reward for them from an anonymous donor.
Fifty-five years is surely a long time to wait for Tuesday's release of "Go Set a Watchman," Harper Lee's sequel of sorts (spoiler alert on link) to "To Kill a Mockingbird."
But readers will have to wait nearly twice as long to see 100 exclusive, secret works of literature.
That's the premise of the Future Library, a work of "public art" by the Scottish artist Katie Paterson. The project is gathering works from prominent authors that will remain unpublished and unread until 2114.
A new manuscript will be created every year between now and then. The prize-winning Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood made the first contribution in May. The best-selling British novelist David Mitchell is up next.
All the pages will be published using paper harvested from 1,000 trees that were recently planted in a forest outside Oslo. The works will be held in a room of a public library in that city.
Ms. Atwood gave us a literary crumb: "It's 'Scribbler Moon,' " she said of her work's title. "And that's the only part of it you will know for 100 years."
Victoria Shannon contributed reporting.
Your Morning Briefing is published weekdays at 6 a.m. Eastern and updated on the web all morning.
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