czwartek, 2 kwietnia 2015

Fwd: Correction - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Early Detection Can Help

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From: Update <>
Date: Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Correction - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Early Detection Can Help

This message has been corrected with the correct link: next steps
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that causes social, communication and behavioral difficulties that can often be diagnosed by age 2. ASD is diagnosed by observing a child's behavior and development.
Early diagnosis and intervention could make a difference in helping him or her. Learn about the signs and common symptoms of ASD and the developmental milestones to look for to determine a child's progress as they age. Meeting these milestones might include: pointing at things, using simple gestures like clapping and waving "bye-bye," or talking, for example.
If you're concerned that your child is not meeting certain milestones for their age, talk to their pediatrician to discuss some possible next steps
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