wtorek, 5 maja 2015

Fwd: Moment of Happiness -- The Happiness Project


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gretchen Rubin <gretchenhappinessquotes@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:10 PM
Subject: Moment of Happiness -- The Happiness Project
To: Pascal <pascal.alter@gmail.com>


"People often ask themselves the right questions. Where they fail is in answering the questions they ask themselves, and even there they do not fail by much...But it takes time, it takes humility and a serious reason for searching."

- William Maxwell, Time Will Darken It


If you'd like to get a copy of my Happiness Paradoxes, or the Resolutions Chart, or the book-group discussion guides, or the Top Tips for Happiness sheets, email me your request, and I'll send it right out.


Gretchen RubinWarmly,
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