poniedziałek, 3 sierpnia 2015

Fwd: Teaching Civil Rights through Bottom-Up History August 6 Noon


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From: Library of Congress <loc@service.govdelivery.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 12:12 AM
Subject: Teaching Civil Rights through Bottom-Up History August 6 Noon
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

You are subscribed to Folklife News & Events from Library of Congress. This information has recently been updated.

Please join us for a "Many Paths to Freedom" Civil Rights History presentation:

August 6 12 noon - 1:30 pm
Mumford Room, 6th floor, Madison Building

Teaching the Civil Rights Movement from the Bottom-Up Fifty Years After the Voting Rights Act (co-sponsored by the Interpretive Programs Office & Education Outreach)

What most people know about the Civil Rights Movement comes through a top-down lens that focuses almost exclusively on visible leaders like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and major legislation, like the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This approach misses much of what is important about the modern Civil Rights Movement. This presentation will highlight bottom-up movement history and the ways it introduces students to a wider range of tactics and to a history that begins before the big marches and extends after the passage of landmark legislation.

Library of Congress

This service is provided by the Library of Congress at www.LOC.gov.

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