środa, 2 września 2015

Fwd: New Exhibit! Chamber Music: The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge


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From: Library of Congress <loc@service.govdelivery.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 5:47 PM
Subject: New Exhibit! Chamber Music: The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

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08/27/2015 11:41 AM EDT

The Library of Congress Concert Series (whose 90th season was announced earlier this month) offers world-class chamber music performances in the Jefferson Building's Coolidge Auditorium. Most Library visitors might assume that the space is named for President Calvin Coolidge; however, it was a different Coolidge who is responsible for its construction. In 1925 Elizabeth Sprague […]

Library of Congress

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