niedziela, 18 stycznia 2015

Fwd: The easiest "Daily Dividend" you'll ever collect

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From: Outsider Club <>
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:04 PM
Subject: The easiest "Daily Dividend" you'll ever collect

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Dear Reader,

For most people, dividend payouts come on a quarterly basis...

But for me, that's not nearly often — or fast — enough.

That's why, over the past 15 years, I've been repeatedly collecting large chunks of cash by taking advantage of a stock market secret I call "daily dividends."

You see, what you probably don't know is that there's a technicality in the stock market that lets ordinary people pocket continual sums of guaranteed cash every single time a stock trades hands on the market.

Take these 10 companies, for instance:

menu icon - black check mark$985 on Sears black check$600 on Blackberry
black check$839 on Netflix black check$625 on Joy Global
menu icon -  black check mark$430 on Best Buy black check$245 on Rite Aid
black check$1,485 on Pandora black check$950 on Verizon
black check$420 on Tata Motors black check$956 on SunPower

As I tell you about this, you could be collecting any (or all) of those guaranteed payouts... TODAY!

And once you collect the cash, the money's yours to keep no matter what happens to the stock prices of the companies.

That's no exaggeration, either...

The stock prices could bottom out, and it wouldn't matter one bit.

Even better, the payouts are 100% guaranteed.

You simply take advantage of the "daily dividend," receive a lump sum of cash, and the money is yours forever.

Use it to make your car payment, put it towards your mortgage, or sock it away for a rainy day. It's yours no matter what.

It's pretty obvious this is one of the best ways to make money in the markets. As I say, I know because I've been personally doing this for 15 years.

I detail how these payouts work, why they're available to you, and how you can start collecting these guaranteed payouts today in this exclusive and FREE presentation.

Good Investing,

brit's sig

Briton Ryle
Investment Director, Real Income Trader

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